... EliZaBetHAn eNGlaNd ...

The age of Shakespeare was a great time in English history. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) saw England emerge as the leading naval and commercial power of the Western world. England consolidated its position with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and Elizabeth firmly established the Church of England begun by her father, King Henry VIII (following Henry's dispute with the Pope over having his first marriage annulled).

Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the world and became the most celebrated English sea captain of his generation. Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh sent colonists eastward in search of profit. European wars brought an influx of continental refugees into England, exposing the Englishman to new cultures.

In trade, might, and art, England established an envious preeminence.At this time, London was the heart of England, reflecting all the vibrant qualities of the Elizabethan Age. This atmosphere made London a leading center of culture as well as commerce.

Its dramatists and poets were among the leading literary artists of the day. In this heady environment, Shakespeare lived and wrote.London in the 16th century underwent a transformation.

Its population grew 400% during the 1500s, swelling to nearly 200,000 people in the city proper and outlying region by the time an immigrant from Stratford came to town. A rising merchant middle class carved out a productive livelihood, and the economy boomed.In the 1580s, the writings of the University Wits (Marlowe, Greene, Lyly, Kyd, and Peele) defined the London theatre.

Though grounded in medieval and Jacobean roots, these men produced new dramas and comedies using Marlowe's styling of blank verse. Shakespeare outdid them all; he combined the best traits of Elizabethan drama with classical sources, enriching the admixture with his imagination and wit.

... tHeME ..

This blog is about Shakespeare and his three plays which are, Romeo & Juliet, Othello and Midsummer Night's Dream as well a it talks about Shakespeare's time that is the time of Elizabethan England. we chose to do about Shakespeare because all of us took or is taking this course, it is an important person and literature writer for English Literature and linguistic students.

As well as, it is a well known person and famous, almost everyone on the world heard of him or his plays, the main reason for choosing this topic we can find that there is a relation or 'bridge'between Shakespear's palys and Islamic teaching, due to reaching such conclusion we have to look at it with the eyes of heart.

What's the 'bridge' we mean..? keep reading on this blog and you'll understand what we mean.

... a BiT oN sHakEspearE ...

* name : William Shakespeare

* born : Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1564

* baptized : April 26 1564, at the Holy Trinity Church

* father : John Shakespeare, a glover and leather merchant

* mother : Mary Arden, a landed local heiress

* was the third of eight children in the Shakespeare household—three of whom died in childhood

* William (18) marriage to Anne Hathaway (26) on November 28, 1582

* Children :
Susanna (May 26, 1583)
: Hamnet and Judith (February 2, 1585)
- Hamnet died in childhood at the age of 11, on August 11, 1596 -

* 1588 : arrived in London and began to establish himself as an actor and playwright

* died : Holy Trinity in Stratford on April 25 1616

... WelComE ...


...wElComE to our BloG...

Hopefully,this blog will benefit uS,insyaAllah

Ahlan wa sahlan wa tafadhalu "welcome" to this blog, glance on Shakespeare

We called ourselves Al..Ma which symbolizes Sana from Algeria (the secret behind Al) and Nik from Malaysia (the secret behind Ma) .. the second reason behind the chosen of Al..Ma is to show that no matter where we come from, regardless what our nationality is, being Muslims, we must be united and always be united..it is the teaching of Islam itself

We chose to do about Shakespeare regarding to give a wide glance on Shakespeare..we find that there always be a 'bridge' to Islamic teaching...not to say that Shakespeare 'teach' us about Islam..but if we look deep in Shakespeare's plays we would find some of moral teachings, we will see that,insyaAllah

Last but not least,hope we can find the 'bridge' to 'ourselves' in Shakespeare's plays

Feel free to leave a message or to share your opinions and knowledge in this blog...you can also vote over the question on "does Shakespeare's play 'bridge' you to the Islamic teachings?'

There is also a blog which can be linked too that is, almukminun.blogspot.com .. you are most welcome and are encourage full-heartedly to surf almukminun.blogspot.com for there are many 'bridges' we can get from it,insyaAllah

With the most meaningful and 'barakah' word, Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim and zikr, we are welcoming all of you whole-heartedly to this blogs with hope and du'a that Allah will bless our steps on His 'bridge', insyaALlah..have a nice journey .. WeLcOmE.. :-)