... cONcLUsIOn ...

In conclusion, we came up with only a few words and simple words but very meaningful..we really hope that our blog can benefit us as a BENL students as well as benefit us as Muslim, insyaAllah...and all dear visitors, having informations on Shakespeare as well as his plays that we picked during this semmester.. And we hope that as muslims, we can benefit and relate "the Islamic perspective" to our daily life.
Thank you all... :-)

... sHaKESpeAR's TimEleSs taLe oF LoVE ... ViDEo...

... ReFeRenCeS ...

... OthELLo - vIdEo ...

... WilLiAm ShaKeSpeArE ...

... rEFLeCtIOn ...

For our reflection over this blog, we started from the beginning well eventhough it is not an easy task..special thanks to Dr.Rozina who asked us to do this assignment for by this assignment,we manage ourselves to be more knowledgeable about the internet and blogs..second special thanks also to the brother who showed us on how to create a blog and how to add either a picture or video in the blog.. but that was not enough to learn how to work on it, it was just the beginning..special thanks also deserve by Ustaz Mustafa Shamsuddin who assist us in searching the the Qur'anic ayah by telling us which verses and which ayah to refered to..

We practiced and experienced almost everything in bloging as well as we learned a lot in creating this blog, nothing comes easily..we had to face a lot of problems, but at the same time it was fun thing to do.. it is exciting to have such exercise in our course, but we hope that we had much more time to work on it.. we are sure if we started working on it in the holidays before the semester starts it would be much better than this, but then this is what we could come up with during this semester..

In order to come up with this blog, we have gone through several obstacles.. the most obstacle we have to go through is time "it is time consuming"..it is due to the other classes we are taking this semester.. LE4000 was one of the them as well as other subjects..In coming up with the right topic we had to think on a benificial one..well, we chose this topic because it has a lot of informations and anyone not only BENL students can benefit from it and comment or share with us what ever they know ..

This blog must be beneficial and informative not only because of the topic that we chose but also because it contains all our previous works in this subject.. we had to edit the lesson plan that we worked on before, added the evaluation scale that the teacher follows in marking, the argummentative essay. .Plus added our cmc assignments and so on..We had to balance our other subjects' needs with this subject, therefore, we tried to give each subject what it deserves from time. we faced internet problems many times, but thank God we managed. And being in peers unlike other groups, we had to double the work, instaed of foucusing on certain things, we had to do everything by our selves. searching help from others, is not an easy job, but we had to sometimes..

Thinking of what to write and how to explain is another problem that we faced as well as, paying attention to the small mistakes such as spellings or grammars.. we also could not paste the Qur'anic verses in this blog which really frustrated us.. we also couldn't have a table.. therefore, it causes trouble in pasting the scale..

All in all this is a very beneficial assignmet that can benefit us in the time being and in future, spreading this knowledge "creating a blog" to everyone we know is a good idea. once again, speacial thanks to our lecturer, "Dr.Rozina" for gave us the chance and freedome to work and be creative for reaching to this blog. And thanks to every friend who comment or shared informations in this blog..

To conclude,we really thanks to Allah The Almighty for His Will, we managed to sattled and finished the blog..we hope that this blog would benefit all of us,insyaAllah..