... LaNGuAgE leARNinG aT a dIsTAnCe: sPANisH wiTHoUT wALLs (sWw)

In the journal entitled “Language Learning At A Distance: Spanish Without Walls (SWW)” by Robert J. Blake and Ann Marie Dolforge where they were both from University of California,Davis, which has took from http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/NetWorks/NW44/Blake.htm talks about the learning of second language where the process of the learning is based on distance learning by using the synchronous CMC which is offered by the University of California, Davis for the working professionals who works in the Sacramento area to further their education.

First of all, distance learning can be define as the learning process where the instructor and the students are not physically being in the same place and the effective solution for meeting the needs of education is the online courses.

The objectives of the study are to evaluate the results for one such online course which is Spanish Without Walls (SWW) taught through the University of California Davis Extension. This study was also done to look closely at a fully implemented virtual language curriculum for beginners with daily access to bimodal chatting.

Another objectives of this study is to examined the use of the chat tools which support only textual exchanges most within the context of experimental CMC projects which carried out with the second- or third- year students (intermediate- or intermediate-advanced students) who carrying out face to face questionnaires as the sample. The duration of the study has been conducted for.The results of the study were evaluated using both quantitative output data that is the grammar test, as well as the qualitative measures that are the surveys. The most part adult who work full-time are the students who enroll in the SWW online class through the University of California Davis Extension. The students who participated in the survey are 21 people.

For the research methodology, the students of Spanish Without Walls (SWW) has an alternative either to use the CD-ROMs which is served as the course textbook, or to use the Spanish Without Walls (SWW)’s Web site in order to cover the scope and the sequence of the normal university Spanish language courses.The students are also need to chat lively with their instructor in the groups of not more than three at least once a week for about one hour and several times with their assignment partners as time and schedules permitted for they to have complete the collaborative content-based tasks.

The students can use the CHAT windows to express their opinions at anytime without waiting for turn.From the study done, the results shows that the most SWW students’ which is about 71% taking Spanish for the first time and about 57% of the students t motivated by the career-related factors.

Some questionnaires given need the students to describe their previous coursework in Spanish and they has to give the reason on why they chose an outline course language learning process rather than the traditional language course that is in classroom learning.The questionnaires are also asked the students to voice out the advantages and disadvantages of taking an online Spanish course as well as to compare this learning to the experience that they has gone through if they has taken any conventional classes before. The students also were asked to indicate whether they are satisfy with the progress they have made and either they want to continue to take another online language courses in future.

From the study, it shows that among the advantages that the students has came out with are, they can have more flexible schedule through online learning. This is maybe due to the factor that they have their own career which needs their time consuming. Another advantage that they came out is the online learning is the opportunity for them for self-directed learning. Another advantage they gave is, the online learning process is much less anxiety provoking. Students also love this online learning because they can work on the course from their own place which is more convenient for them. They also claimed that online course learning will make them feel less stress and they can improve their performance in the course.

Among the disadvantages in their view towards this online learning process is less face-to-face contact or speaking. Another disadvantage they gave is, the difficulties using web-based materials given. The difficulties with the chat tools are also the disadvantages which they said in the process of online learning. However, most of the students intend to take another online language class in the future.


I think that the synchronous CMC such as the chat rooms like the one which has been implied in the University of California, Davis, that is the Spanish Without Walls (SWW) is suitable to be implied in the context of language learning and teaching in Malaysia as well.Why do I say this is because of today’s world is the day or the world of knowledge. It is such an advantage for those who know many foreign languages. There are many institutions and universities in Malaysia nowadays which offers the study of foreign language.

It is surely not a problem for those who are still not been involved in the job field yet. But it is a problem and an obstacle for who are already has a career but still want to continue their study which however cannot let go their career.

This would be problem in attending the class if they still want to continue their study. So I think that this online learning process is the alternative for them to pursue their study without having problem in career.Furthermore, in Malaysian culture where its people are mostly tied up with shyness, this online learning is really a good point to be implementing. If they attend the conventional class they might feel discourage to response due to the fear that they will make mistake in front of other people.

Online learning will make them feel more comfortable and more encourage in the learning process.In fact, I think that the online courses has already been practiced in Malaysia because there is already the distance learning program offered by universalities for those who want to continue their study but they can study from their place that is ‘Pengajian Jarak Jauh (PJJ).

- NIK -

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