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Topic: Outline writing for an Argumentative Essay.

Language Skill: Writing

Level of students: Level 6 / CELPAD

Students: 30

Time: 2 periods (50 + 50 minutes)

General Objectives:Students will be able to write an outline of an argumentative essay (of any topic) following the outline given during the lesson.

Specific Learning Outcome:At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

Write argumentative essay step by step.Pick appropriate arguments to support the topic.Organize their ideas logically.
Teaching aids:

1. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/01

This website will assist the students on formats of the different areas of an argumentative essay as well as the styles.

It will familiarize them with how to write a thesis statement, how to synthesize, summarize, quoting, etc.

2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/writing/index.asp?topic=Persuasive

This website will assist the students with vocabulary, by using the dictionary provided; they are unsure of the meaning of words or are looking for a word with a similar meaning etc.

This will also help students to enrich their vocabulary.As well as searching information in encyclopedia that is available in this website too.


1- Selecting arguments, supporting the ideas given in the website, exercises given (pick the suitable argument given in a topic given).

2- Presenting skeletal format of their argumentative writing.3- Writing a whole argumentative essay.

Teaching ProceduresStages Teaching and Learning Activities Duration

Set Introduction

.Teacher greets the students and briefly explains the lesson for the day. ±5 minutesTeacher explains about thesis statement and how to write a good introduction.

•Teacher provides several samples of introductions. ±10 minutes

.Teacher introduces the website to the students. ±5 minutes

•Teacher demonstrates the function of the website.

.the teacher start showing the steps of writing an argumentative essay,the first argument, second argumnet and then the counter argument ollowed by the refutation.and the conclusion. the students pay attention by looking at the website and follow their teacher.this takes for about 30 mints.

Q&A session:

•Teacher answers questions from students (if there is any) ±5 minutesDevelopment

•Teacher asks the students to form a group consists of two persons.

•Teacher gives the first exercise which is to write a skelatal form of an argumentative essay. ±10minutes

•Teacher gives a list of topics to the students. (each two groups share the same topic)

•Teacher monitors their activity.> Teacher asks the students to get into groups of four (each two pairs get together) and present about the skeletal format verbally. 20 minutes Group work of 4 persons.

Students are asked to open this website where there are two mini lessons in it:


The students are asked to do the second mini lesson individually to show their ability in picking the most suitable argument for a topic given.10 minutes

Teacher give the students homework of writing the entire argumentative essay on the topic they chose before submit it to the teacher via email.Individually

Teacher recaps the lesson and asks students on their understanding.
±5 minutes____________________________________________________________________________________ReflectionIn assignment, we have to construct a lesson plan for two periods’ lesson.


This assignment required us to find out a suitable software or website to assist our students in reading, writing or speaking.In order to come out with a good lesson plan, we have to know how to estimate and manage time for certain tasks. Besides, it is important to relate our learning outcome with the tasks that we assigned to our students. Later from the tasks we will know whether the students achieved the learning outcome or not.

Moreover, at the beginning, we found that it was really difficult to find out a suitable software to assist the students. We have to be aware whether the website was used friendly or difficult to be accessed by our students.In this task, it was really important to consult with our lecturer more often. We have to make sure that the website chosen was interactive and interesting which will encourage the students to be active and participative in class.

From this assignment, we found that, it will help us in future, in order to be a good teacher or lecturer. Besides, we also noticed the importance of technology in helping the development in learning and teaching.

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