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Skill AreaCriteria

Excellent to very good: knowledgeable substantive. Thorough development of topic. Relevant to assigned topic.Good to average: some knowledge of subject. Adequate range. Limited development of topic. Lack of details.Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject. Little substance. Inadequate development of topic.Very poor: doesn’t show knowledge of subject. Non-substantive. Not pertinent. Or not enough to evaluate.3.5-4.02.9-3.01.0-1.50-0.54 marks

Excellent to very good: fluent expression. Ideas clearly stated. Succinct. Well-organized. Logical sequencing. Cohesive.Good to average: somewhat choppy. Loosely organized but supporting details stand out. Limited support. Logical but incomplete sequencing.Fair to poor: non-fluent. Ideas disconnected. Lacks logical sequencing and development.Very poor: doesn’t communicate. No organization.3.5-4.02.9-3.01.0-1.50-0.54 marks

Excellent to very good: sophisticated range. Effective word choice and usage. Word form mastery. Appropriate register.Good to average: adequate range. Occasional errors of words form, choice usage but meaning not obscured.Fair to poor: limited range. Frequent errors of word form, choice usage. Meaning confused or obscured.Very poor: essentially translation. Little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms word form. Or not enough to evaluate.5.0-6.03.0-4.51.5-2.50-1.06 marks

Language Use:
Excellent to very good: effective complex constructions. Few errors of agreement. Tense number. Word order/function. Articles. Pronouns. Prepositions.Good to average: effective but simple constructions. Minor problems in complex constructions. Several errors of agreement, tense number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning seldom obscured.Fair to poor: major problems in simple/complex constructions. Frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number word order, articles. Pronouns, prepositions or fragments, deletion. Meaning confused or obscured.Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence constructive rules. Dominated by errors. Doesn’t communicate.6.5-8.04.0-6.02.0-3.50.5-1.08 marks

Excellent to very good: demonstrates mastery of conventions. Few errors of spelling. Punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.Good to average: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured.Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing. Poor handwriting. Meaning confused.Very poor: no mastery of conventions, dominant of errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing,. Hand writing illegible2.5-3.01.5-2.01 0-0.53 marks

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