.. mIdsumMeR niGhT's dReaM ..

*Theseus (the Duke of Athens) announces he will marry Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons
*Egeus complaint that his daughter Hermia refuses to marry his chosen suitor, Demetrius, since
she's in love with Lysander, who Egeus dislikes

*Theseus declares Hermia must marry Demetrius, or choose between death or joining a

*Lysander and Hermia flee to the forest

*Helena know this and decides to inform Demetrius, whom she likes -who loves Hermia- hopes
that Demetrius will back to her

*Quince, Bottom, Flute, Starveling, Snug, and Snout organize a play to be performed at Theseus'

*In the forest, Oberon (the King of the Fairies) argues with Titania (the Fairy Queen) that he
should have her orphan child as his page

*Oberon orders the fairy Puck (aka Robin Goodfellow) to obtain a flower from Cupid that causes
on to love the first person a person sees

*Oberon plans to give it to Titania, so she'll love a vile thing and give him the child

*Demetrius and Helena appear,querelling

*Puck arrives with the flower, and Oberon orders Puck to anoint Demetrius with it so he'll love
Helena rather than Hermia

*Oberon then anoints Titania with the flower

*In the forest, Lysander and Hermia lie down to rest

*Puck, thinking Lysander is Demetrius, anoints him with the flower

*Helena appears and awakes Lysander, who immediately falls in love with her

*In the forest, the troupe of players discuss the logistics of their play

*Puck appears and transforms Bottom to have an ass' (donkey's) head

*Puck observes that Demetrius chases Hermia, yet she accuses him of murdering Lysander

*Puck realizes he gave the flower to the wrong man

*Oberon tries to remedy this by anointing Lysander with the flower so he'll fall in love with
Helena, and he does

*However, now both men love Helena, while she believes both are false

*Hermia arrives and Helena accuses her of conspiring with the men to tease her

* Oberon orders Puck to make a thick fog to separate the four people and force them into a deep
sleep, so the spell can wear off.

*Oberon awakes Titania and transforms Bottom back to a human

*In the woods, Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus appear and awake the four

* Demetrius and Lysander inform the men of their love for Helena and Hermia (respectively)
*The lords agree to let them marry

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