... cONcLUsIOn ...

In conclusion, we came up with only a few words and simple words but very meaningful..we really hope that our blog can benefit us as a BENL students as well as benefit us as Muslim, insyaAllah...and all dear visitors, having informations on Shakespeare as well as his plays that we picked during this semmester.. And we hope that as muslims, we can benefit and relate "the Islamic perspective" to our daily life.
Thank you all... :-)

... sHaKESpeAR's TimEleSs taLe oF LoVE ... ViDEo...

... ReFeRenCeS ...

... OthELLo - vIdEo ...

... WilLiAm ShaKeSpeArE ...

... rEFLeCtIOn ...

For our reflection over this blog, we started from the beginning well eventhough it is not an easy task..special thanks to Dr.Rozina who asked us to do this assignment for by this assignment,we manage ourselves to be more knowledgeable about the internet and blogs..second special thanks also to the brother who showed us on how to create a blog and how to add either a picture or video in the blog.. but that was not enough to learn how to work on it, it was just the beginning..special thanks also deserve by Ustaz Mustafa Shamsuddin who assist us in searching the the Qur'anic ayah by telling us which verses and which ayah to refered to..

We practiced and experienced almost everything in bloging as well as we learned a lot in creating this blog, nothing comes easily..we had to face a lot of problems, but at the same time it was fun thing to do.. it is exciting to have such exercise in our course, but we hope that we had much more time to work on it.. we are sure if we started working on it in the holidays before the semester starts it would be much better than this, but then this is what we could come up with during this semester..

In order to come up with this blog, we have gone through several obstacles.. the most obstacle we have to go through is time "it is time consuming"..it is due to the other classes we are taking this semester.. LE4000 was one of the them as well as other subjects..In coming up with the right topic we had to think on a benificial one..well, we chose this topic because it has a lot of informations and anyone not only BENL students can benefit from it and comment or share with us what ever they know ..

This blog must be beneficial and informative not only because of the topic that we chose but also because it contains all our previous works in this subject.. we had to edit the lesson plan that we worked on before, added the evaluation scale that the teacher follows in marking, the argummentative essay. .Plus added our cmc assignments and so on..We had to balance our other subjects' needs with this subject, therefore, we tried to give each subject what it deserves from time. we faced internet problems many times, but thank God we managed. And being in peers unlike other groups, we had to double the work, instaed of foucusing on certain things, we had to do everything by our selves. searching help from others, is not an easy job, but we had to sometimes..

Thinking of what to write and how to explain is another problem that we faced as well as, paying attention to the small mistakes such as spellings or grammars.. we also could not paste the Qur'anic verses in this blog which really frustrated us.. we also couldn't have a table.. therefore, it causes trouble in pasting the scale..

All in all this is a very beneficial assignmet that can benefit us in the time being and in future, spreading this knowledge "creating a blog" to everyone we know is a good idea. once again, speacial thanks to our lecturer, "Dr.Rozina" for gave us the chance and freedome to work and be creative for reaching to this blog. And thanks to every friend who comment or shared informations in this blog..

To conclude,we really thanks to Allah The Almighty for His Will, we managed to sattled and finished the blog..we hope that this blog would benefit all of us,insyaAllah..

... iSLamIc PoInT oF viEw ...

As we said before, shakespeare's works were a 'bridge' for us to step on to 'ourselves' as Muslims..once again, it is not to say that shakespeare teach us an islamic education..but we ourselves should go deep into his works and relate his works into the islamic teachings..

  1. To obey and respect our parents eventhough they are not Muslim
  2. Islam prohibit its followers from commiting suicide: "do not commit suicide
  3. avoid adultery
  4. In order to get married, you need the blessings and parents' permission. for the daughter, she will need a 'wali' for her wedding
  5. Do not believe any news easily, for it might be just a slander. Do not easily believe what was told to you because it might be just a slander
  6. Whatever obstacles we have to face, it is a sign that Allah loves us, and we should be patient.

... LaNGuAgE leARNinG aT a dIsTAnCe: sPANisH wiTHoUT wALLs (sWw)

In the journal entitled “Language Learning At A Distance: Spanish Without Walls (SWW)” by Robert J. Blake and Ann Marie Dolforge where they were both from University of California,Davis, which has took from http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/NetWorks/NW44/Blake.htm talks about the learning of second language where the process of the learning is based on distance learning by using the synchronous CMC which is offered by the University of California, Davis for the working professionals who works in the Sacramento area to further their education.

First of all, distance learning can be define as the learning process where the instructor and the students are not physically being in the same place and the effective solution for meeting the needs of education is the online courses.

The objectives of the study are to evaluate the results for one such online course which is Spanish Without Walls (SWW) taught through the University of California Davis Extension. This study was also done to look closely at a fully implemented virtual language curriculum for beginners with daily access to bimodal chatting.

Another objectives of this study is to examined the use of the chat tools which support only textual exchanges most within the context of experimental CMC projects which carried out with the second- or third- year students (intermediate- or intermediate-advanced students) who carrying out face to face questionnaires as the sample. The duration of the study has been conducted for.The results of the study were evaluated using both quantitative output data that is the grammar test, as well as the qualitative measures that are the surveys. The most part adult who work full-time are the students who enroll in the SWW online class through the University of California Davis Extension. The students who participated in the survey are 21 people.

For the research methodology, the students of Spanish Without Walls (SWW) has an alternative either to use the CD-ROMs which is served as the course textbook, or to use the Spanish Without Walls (SWW)’s Web site in order to cover the scope and the sequence of the normal university Spanish language courses.The students are also need to chat lively with their instructor in the groups of not more than three at least once a week for about one hour and several times with their assignment partners as time and schedules permitted for they to have complete the collaborative content-based tasks.

The students can use the CHAT windows to express their opinions at anytime without waiting for turn.From the study done, the results shows that the most SWW students’ which is about 71% taking Spanish for the first time and about 57% of the students t motivated by the career-related factors.

Some questionnaires given need the students to describe their previous coursework in Spanish and they has to give the reason on why they chose an outline course language learning process rather than the traditional language course that is in classroom learning.The questionnaires are also asked the students to voice out the advantages and disadvantages of taking an online Spanish course as well as to compare this learning to the experience that they has gone through if they has taken any conventional classes before. The students also were asked to indicate whether they are satisfy with the progress they have made and either they want to continue to take another online language courses in future.

From the study, it shows that among the advantages that the students has came out with are, they can have more flexible schedule through online learning. This is maybe due to the factor that they have their own career which needs their time consuming. Another advantage that they came out is the online learning is the opportunity for them for self-directed learning. Another advantage they gave is, the online learning process is much less anxiety provoking. Students also love this online learning because they can work on the course from their own place which is more convenient for them. They also claimed that online course learning will make them feel less stress and they can improve their performance in the course.

Among the disadvantages in their view towards this online learning process is less face-to-face contact or speaking. Another disadvantage they gave is, the difficulties using web-based materials given. The difficulties with the chat tools are also the disadvantages which they said in the process of online learning. However, most of the students intend to take another online language class in the future.


I think that the synchronous CMC such as the chat rooms like the one which has been implied in the University of California, Davis, that is the Spanish Without Walls (SWW) is suitable to be implied in the context of language learning and teaching in Malaysia as well.Why do I say this is because of today’s world is the day or the world of knowledge. It is such an advantage for those who know many foreign languages. There are many institutions and universities in Malaysia nowadays which offers the study of foreign language.

It is surely not a problem for those who are still not been involved in the job field yet. But it is a problem and an obstacle for who are already has a career but still want to continue their study which however cannot let go their career.

This would be problem in attending the class if they still want to continue their study. So I think that this online learning process is the alternative for them to pursue their study without having problem in career.Furthermore, in Malaysian culture where its people are mostly tied up with shyness, this online learning is really a good point to be implementing. If they attend the conventional class they might feel discourage to response due to the fear that they will make mistake in front of other people.

Online learning will make them feel more comfortable and more encourage in the learning process.In fact, I think that the online courses has already been practiced in Malaysia because there is already the distance learning program offered by universalities for those who want to continue their study but they can study from their place that is ‘Pengajian Jarak Jauh (PJJ).

- NIK -

... oPInIOn oN tHIs StUdY” ...

In my opinion Malaysia never had such experience before, there fore I encourage having a virtual student in terms of enhancing online learning and it helps in contribution of online class learning.This study is very beneficial and helpful not only for part of the world but this can be applied to all over the world, and Malaysia as being a developed country, such study must be applied on students. We all know that Malay students tend to be quite and non talkative there fore having a virtual student in their class who they don’t know her/his identity, would help in students learning such as, when the virtual student makes mistakes or talk without being afraid the other student would follow her, and they tend to share more unlike with the teacher.

Students are more comfortable with their class mates rather than their teachers, they become shy and afraid of talking and expressing unlike with their class mates. Having a virtual student, the students learn more and better in terms of sharing and helping each other, without being afraid of someone who is much older than them and criticize them or evaluate them.And at the end we can find that this has a lot of benefits such as, promoted online dialogue, encourage student’s participation and having a virtual student can be applied in different teaching settings.

Like having advantages for this study there are disadvantages too, which are, it is hard for someone to pretend to be someone else, he/she if made a mistake that small mistake can lead to destroy the whole learning and teaching process. We find that the instructor as being (Jane) did all the assignments, experiencing the same server downtimes and so on. It is also time consuming and needs a lot of effort for achieving the right goal.

... cOMpUtER aPpliCAtiOn lAnGuAgE stUdIEs bY: sANa

Achoui0423706CMC assignmentSection: 1Summary or the ArticleThe title of this article is: “Methical Jane: Perspective on an Undisclosed Virtual student” this was taken from an online journal, http://jcmc.indiana.edu/The purpose of this study is, after designing an online higher education course. Investigating the success of adding a virtual student, to stimulate participation, interaction and to provide scaffolding for less competent students. Therefore other students would request assistant from co-student rather than from an instructor.

Methodology:The research design: there was used both qualitative analysis and quantitative.Qualitative was used to discuss about the students’ feelings toward Jane’s identity.While quantitative was used mostly in observation of numbers of discussion posts against the content of the blogs, essays and discussion posting.In this research there was used an open ended questions.

There are two important research questions which are:1- Research question 1: How does a virtual student enhance online community?2- Research question 2: How do students feel about the ethical issues of instructor’s hiding and then disclosing the identity of a virtual student?The subtopics mentioned in this research are: Online Support, The Role of the Instructor and The Role of Co-Students.

The population:This study was done on 23 students, 18 were female and five only were male. These ages are ranged between 30 and 50.The duration of this study:This research has been studied for is eight weeks.Findings:First of all we have to know that the facilitator is available only when posting the CMC medium. Students submit voluntary social posts to an open discussion.The social participation of the class remained stable during the eight weeks except the seventh week. When the instructor maintains a low profile, the students become more independent in seeking answers.

Realising that the students prefer to, discuss more on practical applications rather than theoretical discussions, they also tend to help each other especially toward the end, and their web pages seems to be more diverse in terms of personalizing their projects and much more progressive. The instructor stayed as a low profile therefore the students didn’t realise his help, including Jane’s contributions.When is comes to ethical issues, starting first with experimental studies, Boeree (1998) strongly criticize unethical manipulation in “scientific” experimental studies, but in this study students were not manipulated but they were carefully observed.

He also discourage taking part in illegal, immoral and unethical activities, according to the behaviour of Jane, or the way her real personality was hidden and she wasn’t a real person that can lead to cheating and Boeree discourage doing that. Researchers can be considered as spies because they collect the students’ data without their knowledge. We find that keeping the identity of Jane hidden play a good role play in analyzing unfolding data and incorporate the results into the ongoing course design.Moving to the ‘student’s reaction to methical Jane’, the researchers had focus the finding into Jane’s credibility, unveiling the real Jane, Jane’s contribution to learning, research role and goodwill in virtual community.

In the study, Jane’s credibility as a participant was proven, when none of the students realized that she was virtual until the eighth week. In order to comply with the research ethics, the researchers eventually unveiled Jane’s identity. Different responses were attained; not responding, indifferent and strong feelings – of being cheated. Two (2) felt betrayed and one (1) questioned the action of revealing Jane. Yet, the dismay was faded, as students started to rationalize the matter.

At the end, shock and disbelief was mellowed to enthusiasm. None of them were discontented to the principle of having mythical Jane in the group, but some wanted to identify her as mythical. In Jane’s contribution to learning, most students responded that they felt that Jane was insignificant, despite of their experience working together.

The goal is achieved, as this study is planned for minimal role of facilitator (which was disguising as Jane) as well as to make it less obvious. Jane contributed cognitively through modeling tricky aspects and identifying pitfalls, helping struggling students, over - sighting and enliven debate. Not withstanding, Jane was regarded to have strong and exciting personality. They realized at the end that Jane had caused no harm, yet she propelled the student’s interest in online research as they didactically benefited from her as virtual helper. The variables could be explained in this manner; the stronger their bond with Jane, the more they integrated with the online community. Goodwill in virtual community could be felt by the students upon ending the term due to the pro - social behavior of the instructor, thus they strongly endorsed this virtual student concept. This was judged through their amiable post. They regarded facilitator – cum – student as part of learning experience.

Through ‘the instructor’s perspective on Jane’, the researcher highlighted that pretending as Jane, and at the same time maintaining the students gave the instructor the insight of an online course experience. Jane (the instructor) did the same assignment, experiencing the same server downtimes, JavaScript issue, and browser’s incompatibility as well as constraints of firewalls. ‘Facilitator effort’ stressed on the instructor’s dual role as Jane and instructor, concurrently against all the challenges of potential problems, inclusive of task overload, identity confusion as well as to supervise student’s private communication to protect Jane’s identity. The ‘instructor’ should avoid redundancy by distinguishing Jane’s task with the researcher’s task.

In peak times, colleagues assisted the instructor by acting as Jane, and not anonymous, to maintain student’s trust and secure feeling.In the conclusions of the discussion, the student’s ethical feeling towards hiding – then disclosing the identity of a virtual student, was determined. Jane was accepted due to her credibility and therefore this tells us that online community is capable of integrating a stranger into its system. So, the ethical concern was addressed.

The question of how does the virtual student enhance online learning was addressed by its unique contribution in an online class. Jane’s unobtrusive didactic approach, plus encouragement helped students to finish the course. So ethically, the end justified the means. Jane also helped to minimize facilitator’s dominance, resulting more independent and supportive online learning. Virtual student promoted online dialogue, encourage student’s participation, providing additional support, model online student’s behavior and supportive mutual climate. Virtual student can be applied in different teaching settings, as well as observing the real phenomenon living with online students – or garfinkling.

... eVaLuATiON ...

Skill AreaCriteria

Excellent to very good: knowledgeable substantive. Thorough development of topic. Relevant to assigned topic.Good to average: some knowledge of subject. Adequate range. Limited development of topic. Lack of details.Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject. Little substance. Inadequate development of topic.Very poor: doesn’t show knowledge of subject. Non-substantive. Not pertinent. Or not enough to evaluate.3.5-4.02.9-3.01.0-1.50-0.54 marks

Excellent to very good: fluent expression. Ideas clearly stated. Succinct. Well-organized. Logical sequencing. Cohesive.Good to average: somewhat choppy. Loosely organized but supporting details stand out. Limited support. Logical but incomplete sequencing.Fair to poor: non-fluent. Ideas disconnected. Lacks logical sequencing and development.Very poor: doesn’t communicate. No organization.3.5-4.02.9-3.01.0-1.50-0.54 marks

Excellent to very good: sophisticated range. Effective word choice and usage. Word form mastery. Appropriate register.Good to average: adequate range. Occasional errors of words form, choice usage but meaning not obscured.Fair to poor: limited range. Frequent errors of word form, choice usage. Meaning confused or obscured.Very poor: essentially translation. Little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms word form. Or not enough to evaluate.5.0-6.03.0-4.51.5-2.50-1.06 marks

Language Use:
Excellent to very good: effective complex constructions. Few errors of agreement. Tense number. Word order/function. Articles. Pronouns. Prepositions.Good to average: effective but simple constructions. Minor problems in complex constructions. Several errors of agreement, tense number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning seldom obscured.Fair to poor: major problems in simple/complex constructions. Frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number word order, articles. Pronouns, prepositions or fragments, deletion. Meaning confused or obscured.Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence constructive rules. Dominated by errors. Doesn’t communicate.6.5-8.04.0-6.02.0-3.50.5-1.08 marks

Excellent to very good: demonstrates mastery of conventions. Few errors of spelling. Punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.Good to average: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured.Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing. Poor handwriting. Meaning confused.Very poor: no mastery of conventions, dominant of errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing,. Hand writing illegible2.5-3.01.5-2.01 0-0.53 marks

... lEsSoN pLaN afTeR cOrReCTiON ...

Topic: Outline writing for an Argumentative Essay.

Language Skill: Writing

Level of students: Level 6 / CELPAD

Students: 30

Time: 2 periods (50 + 50 minutes)

General Objectives:Students will be able to write an outline of an argumentative essay (of any topic) following the outline given during the lesson.

Specific Learning Outcome:At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

Write argumentative essay step by step.Pick appropriate arguments to support the topic.Organize their ideas logically.
Teaching aids:

1. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/01

This website will assist the students on formats of the different areas of an argumentative essay as well as the styles.

It will familiarize them with how to write a thesis statement, how to synthesize, summarize, quoting, etc.

2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/writing/index.asp?topic=Persuasive

This website will assist the students with vocabulary, by using the dictionary provided; they are unsure of the meaning of words or are looking for a word with a similar meaning etc.

This will also help students to enrich their vocabulary.As well as searching information in encyclopedia that is available in this website too.


1- Selecting arguments, supporting the ideas given in the website, exercises given (pick the suitable argument given in a topic given).

2- Presenting skeletal format of their argumentative writing.3- Writing a whole argumentative essay.

Teaching ProceduresStages Teaching and Learning Activities Duration

Set Introduction

.Teacher greets the students and briefly explains the lesson for the day. ±5 minutesTeacher explains about thesis statement and how to write a good introduction.

•Teacher provides several samples of introductions. ±10 minutes

.Teacher introduces the website to the students. ±5 minutes

•Teacher demonstrates the function of the website.

.the teacher start showing the steps of writing an argumentative essay,the first argument, second argumnet and then the counter argument ollowed by the refutation.and the conclusion. the students pay attention by looking at the website and follow their teacher.this takes for about 30 mints.

Q&A session:

•Teacher answers questions from students (if there is any) ±5 minutesDevelopment

•Teacher asks the students to form a group consists of two persons.

•Teacher gives the first exercise which is to write a skelatal form of an argumentative essay. ±10minutes

•Teacher gives a list of topics to the students. (each two groups share the same topic)

•Teacher monitors their activity.> Teacher asks the students to get into groups of four (each two pairs get together) and present about the skeletal format verbally. 20 minutes Group work of 4 persons.

Students are asked to open this website where there are two mini lessons in it:


The students are asked to do the second mini lesson individually to show their ability in picking the most suitable argument for a topic given.10 minutes

Teacher give the students homework of writing the entire argumentative essay on the topic they chose before submit it to the teacher via email.Individually

Teacher recaps the lesson and asks students on their understanding.
±5 minutes____________________________________________________________________________________ReflectionIn assignment, we have to construct a lesson plan for two periods’ lesson.


This assignment required us to find out a suitable software or website to assist our students in reading, writing or speaking.In order to come out with a good lesson plan, we have to know how to estimate and manage time for certain tasks. Besides, it is important to relate our learning outcome with the tasks that we assigned to our students. Later from the tasks we will know whether the students achieved the learning outcome or not.

Moreover, at the beginning, we found that it was really difficult to find out a suitable software to assist the students. We have to be aware whether the website was used friendly or difficult to be accessed by our students.In this task, it was really important to consult with our lecturer more often. We have to make sure that the website chosen was interactive and interesting which will encourage the students to be active and participative in class.

From this assignment, we found that, it will help us in future, in order to be a good teacher or lecturer. Besides, we also noticed the importance of technology in helping the development in learning and teaching.

... leSSoN pLaN ...


Topic: Outline writing for an Argumentative Essay.

Language Skill: Writing

Level of students: Level 6 / CELPAD

Students: 30

Time: 2 periods (50 + 50 minutes)

General Objectives:
Students will be able to write an outline of an argumentative essay (of any topic) following the outline given during the lesson.

Specific Learning Outcome:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

Write argumentative essay step by step.Pick appropriate arguments to support the topic.Organize their ideas logically.

Teaching aids:

1. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/01
This website will assist the students on formats of the different areas of an argumentative essay as well as the styles.

It will familiarize them with how to write a thesis statement, how to synthesize, summarize, quoting, etc.

2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/writing/index.asp?topic=Persuasive
This website will assist the students with vocabulary, by using the dictionary provided; they are unsure of the meaning of words or are looking for a word with a similar meaning etc.

This will also help students to enrich their vocabulary.As well as searching information in encyclopedia that is available in this website too.

1- Selecting arguments, supporting the ideas given in the website, exercises given (pick the suitable argument given in a topic given).

2- Presenting skeletal format of their argumentative writing.

3- Writing a whole argumentative essay.No.ActivityTimeRemark1-Teacher begins the lesson by the introduction of the argumentative essay format using this website which is easy for the students to follow the steps shows in it:


15 minutesWhole-class

2- Students are asked to open this website where there are two mini lessons in it:


The students are asked to do the second mini lesson individually to show their ability in picking the most suitable argument for a topic given.10 minutesIndividual work

3- Later, they will show it to the teacher to check it one by one and see if they are able to do it correctly, so they can go to the next step.10 minutesIndividual work

4- The students are asked to sit in pairs on the computer and then open this website which they are already familiar with:


Each group must pick one topic.5 minutesPair work

5- Teacher asks the students to write out the skeletal format of the argumentative essay and then the teacher will check if the students are familiar with the format or not.10 minutesPair work

6- Teacher asks the students to get into groups of four (each two pairs get together) and present about the skeletal format verbally.20 minutesGroup work

7- Students are asked to write one argument for the topic given by the teacher where the teacher later would see if they are able to give strong arguments and how they take their stance, either they are agree or disagree.10 minutesPair work

8- Teacher asks the students to sit on the computer and write the entire argumentative essay on the topic they chose before submit it to the teacher via email.20 minutes.Individually


This assignment is challenging. It is not as easy as it looks. It is our first time doing such exercise, when first our lecturer asked us to make a lesson plan, we thought it was an easy work, but when we start working on it, we find a lot of difficulties and face a lot of consequences, especially when it comes to looking for the write website or the software, we has a very hard time.

we never thought that being a teacher has other problems than teaching and marking. We search in different places just to find a suitable website to make it easy to the students. Well, thanks to Allah The Almighty and to our dear teacher who was tolerant with us and gave us a lot of instruction, so we reached to this lesson plan. We learnt a lot from doing this exercises. It taught us on how to be patient and things in life sometimes need more than time.

At the beginning, we thought my own problem is the time, to manage doing this assignment with my all other subjects requirement. I hope from my heart that it is a very beneficial lesson plan to all of us.

... gLaNcEs IN RnJ,m.N.d & oThELLo ...

....if a light glance were to be given to the three plays that is R & J, MND and Othello, we can find a 'bridge' which we can relate to the Islamic teaching.. They are :

1-To obey and respect our parents eventhough they are not in the religion with us...it is stated in the Hadith Muslim that :

From Asma' binti Abu Bakar r.a says : when the fight with the Quraisy was in a bit peace, my mother who at that time still a musyrik came to me. so i asked the permission from the Holy Prophet s.a.w by saying that,"ya Rasulullah,my mother has come because she miss me.can i see her?" Rasulullah said, "yes,go and see your mother" ..

The explaination of that Hadith are :

* husband or mother has a big power. husband has a power over his wife and mother has power over her children. Allah will be angry at those who hurt the feelings of any of the two which are "the husband and the mother".

* Parents deserve the respect and love from their children eventhough they are not Muslims and turn from Allah.

* Islam prohibits children from being rude to their parents and to say harsh words toward them not even the simplest reaction which is "uff" in Arabic which means, "aah" or "watever".

As stated in the Qur’an Surah Al-Isra’ : 23

"Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour.

"It is also stated in Al-isra' : 24

"And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: "My Lord! bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood."

2- Islam prohibit its followers from commiting suicide:

Rasulullah s.a.w said that: “ those who commit suicide with something sharp, he will hold the things to stab himself in the Hell. It will continuesly forever.those who drinks poison until he die,he will forever continuing drinking the poison in the Hell. Those who jump from the mountain to kill himself, he will fall himself into the Hell forever.”An-Nisa : 29

"O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily God hath been to you Most Merciful!"

3- avoid adultery:

From Anas r.a, the Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w had gave the Hadith which means,"among the signs of the coming of Qiamah are, 1-religious knowledge were taken back (away from the ulama') , 2- no knowledge over the religion, 3-drinking alcohol (common things), 4-adultary were kargely practice and opened.

explaination on the Hadith:

Ali bin Abi Talib said: there will come a time when Islam is just a name, religion is just its shape, al-Quran were just to be read, they build the mosque but the mosque were silence from zikr over the names of Allah. The very bad person at that time are the ulama’,from them will occur the fitnah and it will be back to them and all of that are the signs of the coming of Qiamah”.

"The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment." (An-Nur : 24)

"Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry and but a woman similarly guilty, or an Unbeliever: nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a thing is forbidden." (An-nur : 3)

4- In order to get marry, daughters need the blessings and the parents permission. for the daughter, she will need a 'wali' for her wedding.

* From Abi Musa r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w said that,"there is no marriage unless with the presence of 'wali' " (Al-Khamsah dan An-Nasai)

5- Do not believe the news easily for it might be just a slander.

"Those who brought forward the lie are a body among yourselves: think it not to be an evil to you; On the contrary it is good for you: to every man among them (will come the punishment) of the sin that he earned, and to him who took on himself the lead among them, will be a penalty grievous." (An-Nur : 11)

6- Killing in Islam:
It is stated in Al-Qur’an surah Al-Baqarah : 178

'O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. But if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then grant any reasonable demand, and compensate him with handsome gratitude, this is a concession and a Mercy from your Lord. After this whoever exceeds the limits shall be in grave penalty." (Al-baqarah : 178)

... rOmeO & juLiEt ..

* Two prestigious families in Verona, Italy -Capulets and the Montagues-fighting for quite some

* The Prince declares that their next public brawl will be punished by death

* Romeo fells in love with Rosaline, but she has chosen to live a life of chastity

*Romeo’s cousin Benvolio tries to cheer him of his melancholy

*Romeo and Benvolio are accidentally invited to their enemy’s party and Benvolio convinces
Romeo to go
* At the party, Romeo locks eyes with Juliet

* They instantly fall in love, but they do not realize that their families are mortal enemies

* Romeo sneaks into Juliet’s yard after the party and proclaims his love for her

* She returns his sentiments and the two decide to marry

* Romeo and Juliet are married by Friar Lawrence -an event witnessed by Juliet’s Nurse and
Romeo’s loyal servant,Balthasar

* Tybalt (Juliet's cousin) : starts a verbal quarrel with Romeo, which soon turns into a duel with

* Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo then killed Tybalt

* Once Romeo realizes the consequences of his actions, he hides at Friar Lawrence’s cell

* Romeo has been banished from Verona and will be killed if he stays

* The Friar suggests Romeo spend the night with Juliet, then leave for Mantua in the morning

* The Friar tells Romeo that he will attempt to settle the Capulet and Montague dispute so
Romeo can later return to a united family

* Juliet’s parents, completely unaware of her daughter's secret marriage to Romeo, informs
Juliet that she will marry Paris in a few days

* Juliet asks Friar Lawrence for advice, insisting she would rather die than marry Paris

* Fr. Lawrence gives Juliet a potion which will make her appear dead and tells her to take it the
night before the wedding and he promises to send word to Romeo - intending the two lovers be
reunited in the Capulet vault

* Juliet drinks the potion and everybody assumes that she is dead — including Balthasar, who
immediately tells Romeo

* Friar Lawrence’s letter fails to reach Romeo, so he assumes that his wife is dead

* He rushes to Juliet’s tomb and, in deep grief, drinks a vial of poison

* Moments later, Juliet wakes to find Romeo dead and kills herself due to grief

* Once the families discover what happened, they finally end their bitter feud

* Thus the youngsters' deaths bring the families together

* Romeo And Juliet is a true tragedy in the literary sense because the families gather sufficient
self-knowledge to correct their behaviour but not until it is too late to save the situation.

.. mIdsumMeR niGhT's dReaM ..

*Theseus (the Duke of Athens) announces he will marry Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons
*Egeus complaint that his daughter Hermia refuses to marry his chosen suitor, Demetrius, since
she's in love with Lysander, who Egeus dislikes

*Theseus declares Hermia must marry Demetrius, or choose between death or joining a

*Lysander and Hermia flee to the forest

*Helena know this and decides to inform Demetrius, whom she likes -who loves Hermia- hopes
that Demetrius will back to her

*Quince, Bottom, Flute, Starveling, Snug, and Snout organize a play to be performed at Theseus'

*In the forest, Oberon (the King of the Fairies) argues with Titania (the Fairy Queen) that he
should have her orphan child as his page

*Oberon orders the fairy Puck (aka Robin Goodfellow) to obtain a flower from Cupid that causes
on to love the first person a person sees

*Oberon plans to give it to Titania, so she'll love a vile thing and give him the child

*Demetrius and Helena appear,querelling

*Puck arrives with the flower, and Oberon orders Puck to anoint Demetrius with it so he'll love
Helena rather than Hermia

*Oberon then anoints Titania with the flower

*In the forest, Lysander and Hermia lie down to rest

*Puck, thinking Lysander is Demetrius, anoints him with the flower

*Helena appears and awakes Lysander, who immediately falls in love with her

*In the forest, the troupe of players discuss the logistics of their play

*Puck appears and transforms Bottom to have an ass' (donkey's) head

*Puck observes that Demetrius chases Hermia, yet she accuses him of murdering Lysander

*Puck realizes he gave the flower to the wrong man

*Oberon tries to remedy this by anointing Lysander with the flower so he'll fall in love with
Helena, and he does

*However, now both men love Helena, while she believes both are false

*Hermia arrives and Helena accuses her of conspiring with the men to tease her

* Oberon orders Puck to make a thick fog to separate the four people and force them into a deep
sleep, so the spell can wear off.

*Oberon awakes Titania and transforms Bottom back to a human

*In the woods, Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus appear and awake the four

* Demetrius and Lysander inform the men of their love for Helena and Hermia (respectively)
*The lords agree to let them marry

... oThELLo ...

* A tragedy

* Othello and Desdemona got married secretly

* Rederigo love desdemona therefore try to seperate Desdemona and Othello

* Iago dissappointed because Othello promoting man named Micheal Cassio above him

* Rederigo tells Iago that Othello is just simply used him

* Iago and Rederigo plans to make a story to Othello that Desdemona has an affair with Cassio

* Othello believe that Desdemona and Cassio has an affair when he saw both of them talking

* Othello feel dissppointed when he know that the handkerchief he gave to Desdemona were
with Cassio

* Othello kills Desdemona

* After he knew the truth that Desdemona and Cassio has no affair, he commit suicide

... EliZaBetHAn eNGlaNd ...

The age of Shakespeare was a great time in English history. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) saw England emerge as the leading naval and commercial power of the Western world. England consolidated its position with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and Elizabeth firmly established the Church of England begun by her father, King Henry VIII (following Henry's dispute with the Pope over having his first marriage annulled).

Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the world and became the most celebrated English sea captain of his generation. Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh sent colonists eastward in search of profit. European wars brought an influx of continental refugees into England, exposing the Englishman to new cultures.

In trade, might, and art, England established an envious preeminence.At this time, London was the heart of England, reflecting all the vibrant qualities of the Elizabethan Age. This atmosphere made London a leading center of culture as well as commerce.

Its dramatists and poets were among the leading literary artists of the day. In this heady environment, Shakespeare lived and wrote.London in the 16th century underwent a transformation.

Its population grew 400% during the 1500s, swelling to nearly 200,000 people in the city proper and outlying region by the time an immigrant from Stratford came to town. A rising merchant middle class carved out a productive livelihood, and the economy boomed.In the 1580s, the writings of the University Wits (Marlowe, Greene, Lyly, Kyd, and Peele) defined the London theatre.

Though grounded in medieval and Jacobean roots, these men produced new dramas and comedies using Marlowe's styling of blank verse. Shakespeare outdid them all; he combined the best traits of Elizabethan drama with classical sources, enriching the admixture with his imagination and wit.

... tHeME ..

This blog is about Shakespeare and his three plays which are, Romeo & Juliet, Othello and Midsummer Night's Dream as well a it talks about Shakespeare's time that is the time of Elizabethan England. we chose to do about Shakespeare because all of us took or is taking this course, it is an important person and literature writer for English Literature and linguistic students.

As well as, it is a well known person and famous, almost everyone on the world heard of him or his plays, the main reason for choosing this topic we can find that there is a relation or 'bridge'between Shakespear's palys and Islamic teaching, due to reaching such conclusion we have to look at it with the eyes of heart.

What's the 'bridge' we mean..? keep reading on this blog and you'll understand what we mean.

... a BiT oN sHakEspearE ...

* name : William Shakespeare

* born : Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1564

* baptized : April 26 1564, at the Holy Trinity Church

* father : John Shakespeare, a glover and leather merchant

* mother : Mary Arden, a landed local heiress

* was the third of eight children in the Shakespeare household—three of whom died in childhood

* William (18) marriage to Anne Hathaway (26) on November 28, 1582

* Children :
Susanna (May 26, 1583)
: Hamnet and Judith (February 2, 1585)
- Hamnet died in childhood at the age of 11, on August 11, 1596 -

* 1588 : arrived in London and began to establish himself as an actor and playwright

* died : Holy Trinity in Stratford on April 25 1616

... WelComE ...


...wElComE to our BloG...

Hopefully,this blog will benefit uS,insyaAllah

Ahlan wa sahlan wa tafadhalu "welcome" to this blog, glance on Shakespeare

We called ourselves Al..Ma which symbolizes Sana from Algeria (the secret behind Al) and Nik from Malaysia (the secret behind Ma) .. the second reason behind the chosen of Al..Ma is to show that no matter where we come from, regardless what our nationality is, being Muslims, we must be united and always be united..it is the teaching of Islam itself

We chose to do about Shakespeare regarding to give a wide glance on Shakespeare..we find that there always be a 'bridge' to Islamic teaching...not to say that Shakespeare 'teach' us about Islam..but if we look deep in Shakespeare's plays we would find some of moral teachings, we will see that,insyaAllah

Last but not least,hope we can find the 'bridge' to 'ourselves' in Shakespeare's plays

Feel free to leave a message or to share your opinions and knowledge in this blog...you can also vote over the question on "does Shakespeare's play 'bridge' you to the Islamic teachings?'

There is also a blog which can be linked too that is, almukminun.blogspot.com .. you are most welcome and are encourage full-heartedly to surf almukminun.blogspot.com for there are many 'bridges' we can get from it,insyaAllah

With the most meaningful and 'barakah' word, Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim and zikr, we are welcoming all of you whole-heartedly to this blogs with hope and du'a that Allah will bless our steps on His 'bridge', insyaALlah..have a nice journey .. WeLcOmE.. :-)